Dear Friends,
Our Gallery is located at 599 9th Street North, Suite 309, with regular hours of 11-5, Tuesday-Saturday. This location is in the office bulding with First Horizon Bank at the corner of 6th Avenue North and 9th Street North. Please note 9th Street is also known as Tamiami Trail and US-41.
Harmon-Meek Gallery is pleased to present this solo exhibition for Mally Khorasantchi.
“My practice as a painter for more than twenty years has been inspired by that mysterious
space between those universal opposites in nature and human life: order and chaos. I
seek to convey at times beauty and discord, at times calm and refuge. Influenced early
on by the writings of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, I began painting motifs from
nature, shapes of honeycombs and tree roots, which I have intermingled with abstract
forms and lines. Without horizon lines or perspective to give order and focus, each of
my works creates its own tension and stirs emotions. My work also attempts to create
ambiguity or even confusion by juxtaposing seemingly unconnected images. To do this, I
have incorporated into my paintings fragments of photographs, some manipulated, some
layered, some obscured by paint. The images come from a variety of sources such as family
archives, my own photography and appropriated magazine images. But all resonate on a
personal level.
My work allows me to focus on our perceptions of what is real or fake, what is true or false.
Overloaded with information, purposely unfocused and evasive, my paintings become a
kind of visual recording of the process and experience of recollection. Beliefs based on
media, memory, and experience shape one’s reality, individual truth, or creed and are the
focus of this exhibition.” Mally Khorasantchi, 2025.
Click to view works in this exhibition (pdf file).

Works by Mally Khorasantchi
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Juliana Meek
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